Star-Spotting Nicole Richie’s Casual-Chic

Nicole Richie Star SpottingCheck-out 4 more fab Nicole pics.

This is how a Celebrity that knows they are going to be photographed should do Casual Chic in Hollywood.  There’s no excuse to be lookin’ like some kind of scary creature.  I purposely chose Nicole’s version of paired-down casual because it wasn’t Hollywood’s normal “Faux Casual”, which usually requires thousands of dollars worth of designer duds masking as casual.

Nicole Richie has three fabulous options for Daytime.  Leaving the gym, she has paired her black-leggings with an eye-catching scarlet scarf and slouchy bag, for a perfectly pulled-together Chic A’pres work-out look.  And opting for a high-bun rather than the everyday pony-tail is a fabulous way to go from cheap 2 chic.

While Nicole has clearly went to a little bit ‘ trouble for her Lunching in Paris ensemble (top left), it still has a easy laid-back feel, and will look trendy and stylish as she goes about her day no-doubt being followed by a gaggle of Paris Paparazzi.

And finally with the perfect mom-about-town look (upper right), she appears carefree but still adorably stylish.  Nicole’s braid is the perfect choice for a day of running around with kids.  She’s grabbed simple jeans and a cute spring top, but by pairing her French-braids’ with cool aviators she’s sure to look cute no matter how crazy things get.  This will guarantee she won’t get caught off-guard looking sloppy and unkempt.

Those are the kind of simple choices that can make the difference between landing on the “Hot Looks” list or the “What Were They Thinking” list.  So we can all take a cue from Nicole and realize we don’t have to have makeup and stilettos every time we leave the house.  It really isn’t about being perfect it’s about employing simple tips-n-tricks to look chic and pulled together (Are you listening Katie Holmes)?

For more Nicole Richie Go2 “Celebrity Watch“.