Beat the “Beauty Blues” & Give Great Face
Posted May 28, 2011
Do you find yourself in a panic as Summer creeps closer/closer, and you haven’t exactly had the time, or money, to make your way to that amazing facialist. And worse, you feel yourself poised to fall into the same bad-habit of relying on the sun to hide all your Skin-Sins of the Winter.
Don’t be tempted to use the sun (or worse – tanning beds) to cover your skin flaws. I promise that tanning dead-skin on top of dead-skin is a prescription for serious break-outs, and fine-lines (that even Botox can’t help).
So put on your big-girl pants, and do the right thing for your skin. I’ve come up with a fool proof way to ensure that your skin will look fresh/glowing – without baking your face-off. I know some of you will be going for the Brozed-Body look over the Summer, and a bit ‘o tan isn’t a bad thing (all in moderation).
But just because your body is exposed, you don’t have to tan your face, and more importantly, there is no need to. With the right application – you can create a beautiful bronze-glow that will match your body perfectly, and keep the fragile skin of your Face/Neck happy-healthy for years to come…You can thank me later.
5 Fab Tips for the Perfect “Face Canvas”
- Forget everything you thought you knew about exfoliating. It’s not the punishing skin-ripping process of your Grandmother – it’s all about gently/consistently removing the daily toxins and dead-cells that build up on your skin, just from daily-life. So to that end, Buy 1 Washcloth to Exfoliate Daily, high-quality (very soft) for face-only.
- After washing face with cream/gel cleanser, gently exfoliate with same cleanser and warm water (don’t buy separate exfoliating product, use same cleanser – it’s all about how u do it, not what u use).
- Change how u apply Moisturizer. After skin is prepared – Take 1 soft makeup sponge and dampen softly with cold water, then put a few pumps of moisturizer on the tip and blend into your face as you would your foundation (this fab trick makes the skin appear more even – and perfectly preps skin 4 makeup application).
- Place a few dots of foundation on forehead/nose/cheeks/chin – and use the same makeup sponge (with remaining moisturizer on it) to even-out the foundation on your face/neck. The moisturizer will work to turn your foundation into a custom tinted-moisturizer, that goes on smooth and appears more natural. Fabulous trick if your makeup doesn’t have enough slip – or for those Spring/Summer days when you don’t want to have that dreaded “Makeup Mask” out in the sun.
- Set your new “Custom-Foundation” with loose powder, followed by a Matte Bronzer (Mica settles into fine lines & can cause breakouts – Use Too-Faced or Clinique). Adding an xtra 2 swipes of brozer across your eye-lids creates an illusion of depth. This is a great tip ’cause it will make your eyes really pop, and you will need far less shadow/liner than usual. Can also work alone with a bit of Mascara for a quick on-the-go fresh-look.
Great article. Appreciate your talent.