Chanel Goes Naughty-Chic for Couture Week
Posted Jul 06, 2011
I was lovin’ the Dangerous-Dominatrix vibe Chanel brought to the Runway for Couture Fashion Week. What greater juxtaposition to the buttoned up traditional Chanel look, than a little lace mask placed over the model’s eyes, for their 2011 Chanel Couture Collection. It was definitely danger – with a wink – but it still felt a little delicious. And by the time I saw the Perfect-Pink they paraded down the runway, I was drinkin’ the Chanel Kool-aid, and completely taken-in by the “Fashion-Fantasy.” I just found it a fun depart for this Fashion House. To me it was like biting into the most decadent dark chocolate imaginable, yummy and rebellious all at-once (no greater combination exists).
Check-out more great images from the Runway at The Cut @