80’s Inspired Editorial “Le Freak” is a Total Beauty Inspiration
Posted Oct 21, 2011
I’m totally buzzed on a Nostalgic-High right now with this wicked-cool layout “Le Freak,” from the Fall/Winter issue of FashionTrend Magazine. Photographer, Karla Majarik, has managed to do the impossible when it comes to tackling 80’s-Chic – make it totally fashion-forward – while keeping the flavor of the decade in tact. It sounds like an easy feat, however, that is one era that is so fraught with extremes, it’s easy to fall in the “pot-holes” of derivation. In an effort to celebrate a style that is largely marked by over-the-top decadence and indulgence in the tacky, one must be skilled in the Art of Extrapolation. Finding the Triumph in the Trends, is the job of fashion”trend-trackers.” It is our duty to see the relevant movements of the past, so we can accurately define how they are influencing the present/future. We always want to Incorporate not Encapsulate. The “movement” must always be a forward one. The moment our love of any one look, or fashion-statement, overwhelms us to the point of being static, the game is over. Seeking ways to “incorporate” or reconfigure the greatest looks of the past, into the now, is the greatest sartorial-homage to history there is. And in kind, rehashing the same style, is the highest form of fashion-betrayal. When I look at Amberlie Anderson in this 80’s inspired layout, I see the best parts of that decade, synthesized into one modern “Fashion-Moment.” And that inspires me.