Eva Mendes Rare Beauty Captured in Elle France
Posted Oct 13, 2011
Eva Mendes is the kind of woman that inspires men to erect statues, fight wars, build cities, or create great works of art – all on her behalf, or in an attempt to win her attention. Some women are just so beautiful their very existence divines that men of genius will dedicate their talents toward creations worthy of such beauty, only to know that none such inanimate object could ever touch God’s works of perfection. In Hollywood with one gorgeous creature after another, Eva stands out as something so unique and rare, it’s almost hard to know where she belongs. As has been the fate of many recipients of such rare beauty (think Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Raquel Welch). It’s not always clear how to capitalize on this unique gift, in a world that runs on short-term trends, and disposable-looks. But I believe there is always a place for Eva’s kind of “Inspired-Beauty”, if only for the rest of us to sit back and admire her. And while I’m the first to jump on chic new “Trends” – womanly curves mixed with a strong-sophisticated look with never go out of style, as this amazing layout for the October Issue of Elle France proves.