Lara Stone in “La Belle Maitresse” by Mario Sorrenti, Vogue Japan
Photographer: Mario Sorrenti. Model(s): Lara Stone. Source: Vogue Japan.
Posted Oct 09, 2011
Taking no Prisoners, Lara Stone is here to Devour-First, and ask questions later. With the piercing stare of a predator stalking it’s prey, her eyes burrow into our souls as we simultaneously “Long to be Captured and Plan our Escape.” In the divinely-delicious designs of Tom Ford, YSL, Jean Paul Gaultier, Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen (and more), our “La Belle Maitresse” seduces the night with the wicked-curves of an Enchantress. While the Siren Song of Leather and Lace calls on all willing victims to Succumb to their Desire, Mario Sorrenti captures our Femme-Fatale (for Vogue Japan) as she hides in devilish-contradiction, deeply immeshed in this rennaisance enviroment. With all the iconic-imagery wrapped around her, it’s a dramatic-duel of Black vs. White.