Jessica Clark “Owns the Night” in Sheer for Amica Magazine

Back-lit by the neon-amber glow of the Urban Night-Light, the city-streets are transformed into an “Concrete-Ruwnay” as the gorgeous Jessica Clark attempts to “Own the Night.”  With the help of some of this Fall’s most dramatic designs, Derek Kettela captures our “night-owl” prowling the streets in the likes of Gucci, Valentino, Givenchy, and Dolce & Gabbana – for the November Issue of Amica Magazine.  As she slinks from one style to another, we see the “Sheer Power” of this Season’s see-thru trend (via  With overlaid-lace, detailed-applique, and designs including Dior’s super-trendy “gold-stars”, we how versatile/elegant this style can appear.  It’s a far cry from the “tacky-sheer” that always manages to find it’s way to famous pop-stars.  This look is all about balance/proportion.  It requires an eye for the right “statement” piece that will Elevate not X-rate your ensemble.  I’ve talked about this phenomenon in previous editorials covering the topic of “age-appropriate” wear.  And the one thing I still believe is that this is largely a style for the 20+ crowd.  That’s not to say that if you’re one of the lucky few who have the option of owning one of this Season’s gorgeous sheer Gucci gowns you shouldn’t jump-right-on-that, but this “fashion-philosophy” does have a universal application.  So whether it’s high-end designs, or fabulous pieces OTR, the concept of “Nude-Illusion” or “Simply Sheer” does demands a critical eye and reserved light-touch.