My Philosophy on the Lost Art of “Theater Runway”

In the “Theater of Runway” nobody does it better than Vivienne Westwood.  In her Spring 2012 presentation we saw an Avant-Garde Beauty-Circus, with a dizzying array of costume/color.  While to some this may look like a Calamity of the Creative, I see it as a spirituous rise to the occasion. Even in the world of “Runway-Extreme”, we’ve come to expect a certain look.  We’ve extended our need for pretty/perfect to the world of Haute Couture – a world that was once reserve for the Highly-Experimental and Extremely-Absurd.  Our sensibility has been neutered.  What we call “Shocking” now is just carefully constructed commercialism, everything orchestrated and manufactured.  The Urgency of the Unknown is gone.  The “Art of Fashion” is found in the uncomfortable moments of pure discovery & authentic revelation.

Vivienne Westwood – Spring RTW Collection 2012