Chloe Sevigny Scored New Campaign for Tomboy
Posted Feb 01, 2012
Proving my recent predictions to be deadly-accurate, Chloe Sevigny is following the “fashion-forward” path of 2012, just as I’d laid-out. I knew she would pick up just where she left off (before her unfortunate side-trip to the “compound”), seizing every opportunity to explore new fashion movements and take new style-risks. She a style-soldier and we need her in our army. With her stunning layout in the February issue of Interview Magazine still fresh in our minds, it’s been proof-positive that we have our old “Chloe” back. And now following it with this turbo-tempting Spring Campaign for the Korean Label, Tomboy, we are only left to wonder what the rest of 2012 holds for this revved-up little “style-kitten.” One can only look into her eyes and see the devious look of a girl ready to do some serious fashion-damage. She’s been dancing around her “Cult-Status” for over a decade now, and I for one, think it’s about time she moves up to full-on “Icon-Status” – right next to my girl Kate (Moss). I’m such a die-hard, we’re gonna’ have to start calling this blog – “Chloe’s-World.” Images via FGR.