A Hypnotic Tale of Un-Forgiving Love, Sølve Sundsbø’ “The Virgin Spring”
Posted Feb 03, 2012
On the ever-fateful road between propriety & misery exists an ethereal harmony called “The Virgin Spring.” Saskia de Brauw is hauntingly beautiful in images captured while traveling that lonely highway. With the stifled-air of sadness lingering, Sølve Sundsbø brings to life a tale of unforgiving love, in the March Issue of Vogue Japan. Always better for viewing his works, it’s as if his images require a certain level of acquired taste/intellect for the pieces to resonate. An elite-fantasy I’m quite sure my mind has conjured in an effort to make me feel superior (but at-least I’m aware of the delusion). I wait like a panting dog, every few months, for my little “avant-garde treat” to be thrown my way by “Master” Sunsbø. His photographs are philosophical theories worked out in digital form. Strong, thought-provoking questions – screaming for answers. It’s a hypnotic ride, one that really does Elevate the Editorial from image to experience.