Zuzanna Bijoch by Catherine Servel for 25 Magazine
Photographer: Catherine Servel. Model(s): Zuzanna Bijoch. Source: 25 Magazine.
Posted Jun 18, 2012
Relaunching 25 Magazine, Anja Rubik takes her place as Editor-at-Large, for the avant-garde publication, that seems to be a true labor of love for the Polish born beauty. Styled after the “1970’s adult women’s erotica magazine Viva,” ’25’ takes a novel approach to women’s sexuality, by considering them first. Directing their content toward a female audience, they have the grand goal of dedicating their magazine to elevating strong/talented women. Not afraid to take on controversial issues, they plan to use the high-art of fashion erotica to initiate conversations on the relevant topics of today. Allowing the beauty of this unique form of modeling to expand the concepts of sexuality and erotica, is both innovative and brave. And in their latest issue they waste no time gettin’ to it. Zuzanna Bijoch jumps right in with her hyper-exaggerated take on the over-sexualized environment of today’s workplace. Reduced to nothing but a body, Catherine Servel has cut off the head in many of her shots, in brilliant defiance of the injustice. Depicting the plight of modern-sexism, 25 has used their “erotic-powers” for the good – just as they promised.