How to View the Ceremony of Dressing ‘Isiga Dogru’ Vogue Turkey
Posted Aug 08, 2012
Karlina Caune plays the sartorial high-priestess in, ‘Isiga Dogru,’ for the August issue of Vogue Turkey. Jem Mitchell mixes the stoic elegance of her photography with the ethereal nature of modern water-colors, for a layout that inspires us to consider the ‘ceremony’ of dressing. Finding ways to incorporate this season’s exciting new trends, we see that with a little imagination, each look is transformed into elements of the artistic vision. We start to see these images as dynamic works made up of diverse moving parts. When viewed in this light, we are able to honor the creativity and appreciate the inspiration. Through the use of mixed-media these modern designs have been reformed into pieces of interpretive art. A compelling take on originality, if we are to extrapolate from this, we might assume that incorporating this concept into our daily lives could influence our own creativity in completely novel ways. Instead of thinking about clothing as a way to express individuality, we consider dressing as an opportunity for growth. What if this really could be a, ‘Season of Change,’ a time to integrate our personal philosophy into our clothing routine. What if we thought about dressing less as a sport, and more as ‘ceremony,’ imposing a deeper level of artistic connection to the act of choosing what we wear. I look at these pictures and I can’t help but contemplate the question of intent. I contend that a deeper connection to your own “Fashion Philsophy,” may result in a serious catapulting of personal style. That allowing yourself to question deeper, may bring about a personal transformation that leads to greater self-awareness & self-confidence. But in the end, even if it’s just a mental exercise, at least, you’ve pushed past pretty, and gone a little deeper – and that’s always a good look.