Jemma Baines’ Flattop-Explosion in ‘Funky Retro’ by Takay, Elle France

Jemma Baines is the Hair-Apparent to this season version of the Flattop-Explosion in ‘Funky Retro’ by Takay, for the December 2012 issue of Elle France.  Taking on one of high-fashion’s most beloved coiffed-couture looks, this runway-ready hair is a favorite among designers and editors alike.  Picking up where Sigrid Agren left off last Spring, Marion Anee brings things back to basics with hyper-accentuated styling, meant to highlight the original intention of this cutting-edge look.  An artistic interpretation of the two sides of fashion, the Flattop-Explosion blends the super-straight world of commercial with the kinky-curly chaos of couture.  An avant-garde meeting of two extremes, this beauty anomaly proves that while two worlds can exist alone, when they collide, they have the potential to make magic.
