Anastasia Burachevskaia in ‘Deepen’ by Rafa Gallar for Simply The Mag No.1

Anastasia Burachevskaia embodies the spirit of the avant-garde adventurer in ‘Deepen’ by Rafa Gallar for Simply The Mag #1. With their basic philosophy being to Inspire, Persuade & Innovate this new publication really lives up to the adage, a picture tells a thousand words, by conveying complex ideas with their concise and compelling still imagery. Something in this piece speaks to another time, when the avant-garde arts has a learned quality that gave the editorials an erudite feel. A unique blend of hard & soft, this captivating combination of masterful makeup and stunning set design, allows the beauty to take a truly experimental turn. Mauro Saccoccini shows off his amazing “face painting” skills, while the symbolic styling of Jose Carlos de la Osa elevates the creative to a whole new level. An aching beauty impossible to ignore, the tattered head wraps are so perfectly displayed the more you look at the frayed ends and fractured fabric, the more you are drawn in. The greatest artists in history can take elements of the extreme and weave them into a concept, so seamlessly, you forget what you are looking at enabling you to experience the vision on a completely visceral level. All it takes is one perfect piece of fashion art to remind us that a truly artful event has nothing to do with effects, only the intentions of the creator. All things filter back to the mind of the maker, and in this case, what we have is a number of exquisite artists weaving their work together to form pure poetry. And in this spirit of collective creation Pablo Curto extends the life of this poignant project with his powerful accompanying film, ‘Chanel.’

Simply Magazine Issue #1

Simply Magazine by Rafa Galar 2

Simply Magazine by Rafa Galar 4

Simply Magazine by Rafa Galar 6

Simply Magazine by Rafa Galar

Simply Magazine by Rafa Galar 1Simply Magazine by Rafa Galar 5Simply Magazine by Rafa Galar 3