Linda Fox jumps of the page in ‘Riot’ by Meinke Klein for SHOWstudio

Born to be wild, Linda Fox jumps off the page in the Punk inspired interactive editorial ‘Riot’ shot by Meinke Klein for SHOWstudio. A vessel of visual stimulation this Dynamic Movement Piece parallels the power of the original counter-culture movement with a creative pilgrimage into parts unknown. The choreography of chaos hits a high note in this cutting-edge collaboration that incorporates the fashion forward styling of Anna Trevelyan with the innovative illustrations of Magnus Dekker. Being called a , Live Punk Poster, this stunning series capture all the pageantry of punk while still holding on to the raw elements of alternative edge. Overtures of anarchy defiantly sprayed atop a towering Mohawk, painted across Charlie le Mindu’s high hair we see the signature of a subculture proudly displayed. Upholding the principles of punk this creative band of collaborators have found a way to sound off against the mediocrity of our times with ideas born out of a passion for action. Screaming out in artful rebellion, Riot serves as a wake up call to the complacent. Bold, brilliant an utterly trail-blazing the conceptual qualities of this series stands as a statement of protest, signalling an end to the era of artifice.

Linda Fox in Riot by Meinke KleinLinda Fox in Riot by Meinke Klein  5Linda Fox in Riot by Meinke Klein  3Linda Fox in Riot by Meinke Klein  4Linda Fox in Riot by Meinke Klein  1 Linda Fox in Riot by Meinke Klein  2