Paper Magazine

The beauty from Down Under, Iggy Azalea, comes into her own on the cover of Paper Magazine’s Night Life Issue shot by Harper Smith. A true force of nature, this stunning 6′ tall Australian rap-phenom has been taking over the industry with her killer curves and clever attitude to match. With an ethereal presence that translates to a transparent performance style, her censor free philosophy about creativity evokes a kind of purity that’s often lacking in today’s overly manufactured stars. A savvy social media queen this girl knows how to work it, with a sophisticated understanding of what it means to use today’s tools of expression without killing the originality. Mastering the art of eclectic mania, Andrew Mukamal captures her unique sense of high/low style, with layers of ultra-lux leather & fur mixed in with a gritty combination of casual cool. Unfazed and unafraid, one gets the sense that Azalea isn’t in it for the fame and fortune, rather, she has a real hunger to share her talent with the world and see how far she can evolve as an artist. With model looks and a mind that cooks we could be looking at a modern vision of female empowerment. Read more about this multi-dimensional singer/songwriter in Alex Scordelis’ accompanying coverstory.

Iggy Azalea by Harper Smith for PaperIggy Azalea by Harper Smith for Paper 03Iggy Azalea by Harper Smith for Paper 3Iggy Azalea by Harper Smith for Paper1 Iggy Azalea by Harper Smith for Paper 5 Iggy Azalea by Harper Smith for Paper 2Iggy Azalea by Harper Smith for Paper 05iggy azalea cover of paper magazine