Crystal Renn in ‘Urbana Festa’ by Dusan Reljin For Harper’s Bazaar Brasil

Crystal Renn takes over the town in ‘Urbana Festa’ by Dusan Reljin for the cover of Harper’s Bazaar Brazil November 2013. Breaking all the rules Renn brings a modern vibe to the urban jungle with fashion forward looks inspired by the chic side of the Neo-Punk movement. Taking it to the streets, Victoria Bartlett highlights her styling with a sophisticated selection of laser cut leather dresses that blend into the backdrop with seamless perfection. The eyes have it, with wild wings drawn out in silvery/black shadow, the futuristic style of (makeup artist) Anne Kohlhagen’s bold beauty is only enhanced by the thick line of stick straight brows striking out in defiance against the traditional arch. And with her jet black hair slicked-back by Kevin Ryan the severe effect adds an avant-garde twist to the overall aesthetic. A celebration of form and fashion, by setting Renn’s seductive shape against the silhouette of the city Reljin creates a powerful vision of artful synergy.

Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil 1Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil November5Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil November4Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil 3crystal-renn-by-dusan-reljin-for-harpers-bazaar-brazil-november-2013-6Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil 6 Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil 8Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil 4Crystal Renn By Dusan Reljin For Harper's Bazaar Brasil