Narcisse Magazine
Photographer: Benjamin Vnuk. Model(s): Carola Remer. Source: Narcisse Magazine #1. Makeup: Fredrik Stambro. Hair: Erika Svedjevik.
Posted Jan 30, 2014
Carola Remer comes alive in a series of open shots by Benjamin Vnuk for Narcisse Magazine #1, Fall/Winter 2013-14. Makeup Artist, Fredrik Stambro, uses the planes of the face as a source of temporary asylum from the duties of higher beauty. A stunning array of freckles bloom in poetic harmony, as the manipulated surfaces strike a cord of artful invention. With jet-black liner marked across the face, the cryptic form of cosmetic ornamentation gives way to the exalt of exotica. Going with the flow, (Hairstylist) Erika Svedjevik gets it right with a 60’s mix of vintage inspired fun. As the solemnity of creation reaches for solace, the smooth lines run across the face in an epic form of diaphanous pleasure. A captivating illusion, through the silence of sadness she sets off on a journey of self-discovery.