Lily McMenamy by Juergen Teller for Love No.11, Spring/Summer 2014

Lily McMenamy captures our imagination in this live art project titled ‘Melodrama’ by Juergen Teller for Love No.11, SS 2014. An evocative array of love and play, to allow yourself to sink into the madness is nothing less than brilliant. Not made for everyone, this captivating model knows the strengths of her mind/body, & the power of her lineage. Both utterly innocent and distinctly arousing, Lily becomes part of the art, in this mix of modern fashion. Stylist, Anders Sølvsten Thomsen, dares to evoke the sound of sensation, with shots that simultaneously fill up the space & sink into the moment. The subtlety of hand crafted bodies posed around the space with assembled works perfectly positioned for falling rain drops. A mark of pure artistry, Teller knows how to both draw us in and leave us breathless. From the top of the mountain to the depths of the sea, I wait. Taken last November, Urs Fischer’s exhibition at Sadie Coles HQ in London, pushes the limits of possibility. Exciting images from Next Model Blog.

Love Magazine / Lily McmenamyLily McMenamy by Juergen Teller for Love No.11 SS 2014 10 LOV281113_3240_LOW_RES LOV281113_3020_LOW_RES LOV281113_3943_LOW_RESLOV281113_2977_LOW_RESLOV281113_3261_LOW_RES (1) LOV281113_4055_LOW_RES Lily McMenamy by Juergen Teller for Love No.11 SS 2014 21Lily McMenamy by Juergen Teller for Love No.11 SS 2014 17 Lily McMenamy by Juergen Teller for Love No.11 SS 2014 23Lily McMenamy by Juergen Teller for Love No.11 SS 2014 20 Love Magazine / Lily Mcmenamy LOV281113_0218_LOW_RES LOV281113_1559_LOW_RES LOV281113_1951_LOW_RES LOV281113_2089_LOW_RES LOV281113_2189_LOW_RESLOV281113_2876_LOW_RESlily mcmenamy love magazine cover