Lily McMenamy in ‘Nothing Sticks’ by Charlie Engman for Garage Magazine, Fall/Winter 2014

Lily McMenamy becomes part of the art in ‘Nothing Sticks’ a powerful piece by Charlie Engman for Garage Magazine, Fall/Winter 2014. Breaking free, Lily lets go of her attachments to the physical in this spectacle of modern rhapsody. Bodies dare to entwine in a dance of defiance. Robbie Spencer delves deeper into the duality of humanity, as fashion becomes a statement rather than a series of styles. Balletic images come alive as the power of Lily’s beauty is only outweighed by her strength. Dressed in multi-colored designs, a rainbow of revolution takes shape, as vivid colors are cast upon the skin. To fully immerse yourself in Engman’s world is to let yourself imagine the truly impossible. Atop a stairway of blooming buttocks, in front of a hallway of humans or aerodynamically intertwined on a wall of fleeting flesh – Willi Dorner brings the beauty of ‘Bodies in Urban Spaces’ to life.






stand still

take you pill

for nothing less

than everything

will ever come

to fit the bill

original poetry – tanyajo



Lily McMenamy by Charlie Engman for Garage Magazine 002tumblr_nbyk9wUggj1qb5hqzo1_1280tumblr_nc9ppg9wql1qb5hqzo1_1280nothing-sticks-3nothing-sticks-5nothing-sticks-6nothing-sticks-2Lily McMenamy by Charlie Engman for Garage Magazine #7 15