Toni Garrn in ‘Feeling Blue? Try Painting Yourself A Different Colour’ by Richard Burbridge for i-D Magazine, Winter 2014

Toni Garrn is up-close and personal in ‘Feeling Blue? Try Painting Yourself A Different Colour’ by Richard Burbridge for i-D Magazine, Winter 2014. The features of the face are all but erased, in this colorful story that celebrates the breadth of true beauty. From pigmented-peacock to canary-yellow, (Makeup Artist) Isamaya Ffrench captures striated marks boldly marching across the skin. With neon eyeliner and bleached-out brows, creative cosmetics has never looked so cool. Garrn experiences the art of modern tribal markings with linear meridians that lead us home. The chaos of control is found in the brilliant works of those who are bold enough to travel outside the norm.

The Sun Rises, I Bare My Soul

I use skin as salvation

to sooth my soul,

the markers of mayhem

to make my point whole.

I use the colors of creation

to fight for what’s right,

on a dark, lonely road

in the middle of the night.

I seek time to heal

the ache of my past

art to invent, love to last.

My heart will hold me

through all the pain,

lure me with knowledge

tempt me with shame.

My face will light up

when I feel honest joy

like the timeless wonder

of a girl and boy.

 original poetry – tanyajo

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