Allie Lewis & Nadine Leopold by Erik Madigan Heck for A Magazine, February 2015

Allie Lewis and Nadine Leopold pull us into a mad, mad world by Erik Madigan Heck for A Magazine, February 2015. Lost in a kaleidoscope of color, this story celebrates the artistry of Tom Browne’s S/S Collection. Stylist, Rebecca Ramsey, revs things up with divine combinations designed to make you think. With a straight shot from hippi to haute couture these images move the arc of fashion forward. Avant-garde energy erupts as each picture pushes us toward pure color. Beauty never look so bright with makeup meant to make us believe. With a flower on the face we all but embrace the neo-nature of now. Primary pops as Pamela Cochrane gets fired up with bold features and edgy application. The shift in shades send us reeling with pink hued brows and cherry filled lips. The future of phenomenal is here with a cast of chromatics that will capture your imagination. Hairstylist, Tomihiro Kono, deserves a standing ‘O’ with brightly tinted dews that look as if they’ve been dipped in decadence. Skimmers soar to the sky, with modern millinery so exquisite, you’ll stand up & shout. Dare to dream in this vivid tale taken to the extreme.

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