Gareth Pugh “The Stars of Soho” Shot by Sam Rock for AnOther Magazine

Gareth Pugh brings us “The Stars of Soho” by Sam Rock for AnOther Magazine’s show within a show. Passion penetrates the scene with this raucous thump of the underground machine. Paying homage to Soho’s infamous Red Light DistrictPugh doesn’t dismiss the seedy side, he revels in the extreme. Truth has a beautiful veneer, by allowing this vision to flourish we are able to fly. Step right up, you’re sure to see your dreams of decadence come to be. Dare to enter a world of the unknown in this revolt of rouge delight. Gone was an audience watching a show, in their place gathered true believers, ready to experience something unique. Stylist, Katie Shillingford, garbed the girls in bejeweled garments with swinging sequins and coins a plenty. Visceral vagary comes to blows with pictures that penetrate the page. Lamenting on the twisted beauty of the once very vibrant, Brewer Street. Val Garland states the obvious, with poetic prose that only she could muster, “It’s Such a Sad Fuck These Days.” A tribute to a Soho that lives in the annals of Pugh’s mind, “a red-lithomage to not only the seedy side of the heart of London, but to the freedom that atmosphere can inspire.” Taking a triumphant trek through the, “Dark Underbelly of Disneyland.” This show celebrates the tapestry of his memory in a way no words could accomplish. A feat for the imagination, to explore another persons personal history is the most intimate thing you can do. And, while this was done on a large-scale, I see this catwalk capturing one heart at a time. An artistic endeavor, so compelling, we need to linger in the after effects for months to come. True beauty has a magical veneer, by allowing this vision to flourish we are able to fly. An ode to the physical artistry of the craft of couture. Writer; Olivia Singer, captures the concept of his work as an “optimistic testament to what is on offer.” Looking through stars, See a Penny Pick it Up… from coin covered finery to frocks dripping in crystals… All Day Long You’ll Have Good Luck.

Deep red floods the page as art succumbs in a delicious rage… The visceral vagary of time unspent, the visual meanderings of a vagrant’s vent. To peek into perilous thoughts unknown, to pander to people I call my own. I scream, hoping to break a hole into the silence of my penetrated soul. I seek forgiveness and long for the light, when all I can see is a long, lonely night. Down the rabbit hole of La Sexxe Shoppe dream, is a powerful place, a passionate scene. What is old is new again, what is lost can always be found. To ache in just the right way… to hear as if yearning has a sound. The subtleties of life are marked by the moments in-between. Silence says something about truth, or it yells in violent revelry. Art as the soul, completes its journey back to home.    poetic prose – tanyajo

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