Alina S in ‘Puritatem” by Gioconda and August for Revs Magazine
Photographer: Gioconda and August. Model(s): Alina S. Source: Revs Digital. Stylist: Designer; Daria D’Ambrosio. Makeup: Lara Quercioli Lacciarini..
Posted Nov 22, 2015
Alina S redefines a state of grace in “Puritatem” shot by Gioconda and August for Revs Magazine. Finding the soul of sacrifice this story conveys the power of purity wrapped in the notion of good vs. evil. An ode to the strength of Charlotte Wells, this brave woman went through untold horrors until she was able to set herself free. To feel the fire of this fearsome female is to gather in the glory of good. Garments worn to reflect religious garb, (Designer) Daria D’Ambrosio delivers prophetic styling, showing silhouettes in their most profound state. The poetry of passion is captured in the drama of each dress. High fashion exposes us to the altar of the extreme, with exquisite lines made to mimic a nun’s habit. Opposing forces of light and dark are creatively exposed in the dynamic form of each design. Material meets its maker in this exquisite blending of black and white. Unafraid to embark on a journey of discovery, Ambrosio’s brave work is less about the finished product than the journey to get there. Lara Quercioli does double duty with an exquisite mix of cosmetics and coiffure. Like a phoenix rising, Alina’s feet lift off the ground, as beauty basks in the glory of gorgeous. Shades of deep peach cover the eyes with similar tones touching the mouth. Light makeup is aglow with gorgeous tints that give us a touch of color. Wearing a white bandeau around the neck/chin (used to secure a guimpe garment), the hair is swept up in a simple bun at the base of the head. A strong statement on modern women, Alina’s body lifts off the ground as her soul screams with freedom. Old Habits Die Hard... the doctrine of belief shows us that divine grace is found in many forms.