Clarice Vitkauskas in “Huile to Live” by Arved Colvin-Smith for Volt Café

Clarice Vitkauskas invites poetic yearnings of life in “Huile to Live” by Arved Colvin-SmithVolt Café. The art of insistence the daring of display, this story rides on the wings of enlightenment. Stylist, Linda Öhrström, celebrates the art of organic beauty by dirtying up the skin in a way we haven’t yet seen. Creative camera work gets in your face with shots that are up close and personal. The mark of moving makeup isn’t found in the end result, rather, it’s the journey to get there. Embracing the essence of natural cosmetics, we see that organic doesn’t have to equal boring. Deep pomegranate pours over the page as raging red takes the stage. Voluminous lips fill the screen with a bold mouth that gives us a new view of luminosity. Riding over the lines in melodic harmony we watch ourselves blossom as beauty bares out. Naked faces invite our senses as darkness is used to shade the space. Charcoal marks the area around the eyes, as faux shadow smears its way over the brow. A residue of depth fills the features while mud masks the identity of truth. Öhrström utilizes raw materials in a new and exciting way, with application that allows us to appreciate the subtlety of skin art. Like a soliloquy of synergy, Susanne Lichtenegger’s heroic hair meets makeup in a rare example of perfect conversion. Black drips off the tips leaving large drops dangling over the eyes, as square pieces of hair are cut and placed over the face. Sculpted coiffure crafts a new form of modern art, with beauty that’s bound to fly free. In one of the most exquisite editorials we’ve seen this year, Clarice uses compelling styling to divert your attention away from the usual scene.

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