Luigi & Iango ‘Season of Sensations’ for Vogue Japan, March 2019
Photographer: Luigi + Iango. Model(s): Chiharu Okunugi, Imaan Hammam, Irina Shayk, Mariacarla Boscono, Natasha Poly. Source: Vogue Japan. Stylist: Anna Dello Russo. Makeup: Erin Parsons. Hair: Luigi Murenu.
Posted Jan 31, 2019
Beauty rises to meet the light as fashion claims the wrong side of right in ‘Season of Sensations’ by Luigi & Iango for Vogue Japan, 03/19. The ferocity of these five females delve into decadence, as ‘Dreams of Glamour’ dance in their heads. A New Year Brings A New Attitude… Celebrating A Whole New You. It’s our job to find that ferocity and let it shine. This year it’s all about the woman. Strong, vital and full of life. We are of one mind. We are of one soul. We’re here to turn our individual halves into a collective whole. We will embrace that credo. The moves are subtle the styles are chic as these ensembles aren’t for the meek. The theatrical detailing is exquisite. These are Spirit Warriors wearing garb fit for a queen.
Every cover comes with a different tag line designed to remind us, these aren’t just pretty faces they are fiery females. Visually stimulating imagery explodes as one outrageous outfit follows another. In each of these pictures, the power comes from within. Women Wear the Clothes… The Clothes Don’t Wear the Women. An important fact, when you have a plethora of party inspired designs, all meant to steal the spotlight. Anna Dello Russo steers this symphony of stylish fashions like a conductor leading an orchestra. This ensemble plays with classical pieces, still hitting the high notes of haute couture. Embracing their wild side each one of the fives ladies have a moment to shine. Chiharu Okunugi stuns us in a checkered mini-dress and thigh high boots. Imaan Hammam wears designs that redefines the era of disco. Natasha Poly’s passion for pink brings forth a remix of mini-fringe. Delving into decades past we mix a hint of 70’s super-deluxe with a touch of 80’s high-gloss glam. Proving future fashion always rests on the power of the past.
Erin Parsons creates makeup that explodes off the page hitting the viewer like a riotous rage. Never has cosmetics complemented couture with such precision. The power of this compilation comes in the details. Using a bold lip as a grounding point, she goes wild with the other features. Parsons ocular obsession is clear, as we see the circles break free from their symmetrical route, creating a kind of adventure for the eyes. Beauty blasts as bold colors makes a splash. The shadows are applied like watercolor on a palate, with a variety of unique shapes and sizes all melding together. The skin is like a canvas with primary paint shades jumping off the page. Boscono brings a sense of wild adventure with crystals attached in a winged expression. Done with such artistic integrity, Each image is alive with a vibe of stimulation. reaching a crescendo of creative bliss.
Luigi Mureno builds hair that stands supreme, while each strand seems to adhere to the calling of high creativity. Blowing in the right direction, falling with intention and standing at attention in just the right way. This isn’t coiffure that just top things off, it instead rises to another level. He brings Mariacarla’s hair to new heights with fiery locks, while allowing Imaan’s dew the freedom to fly. Working in perfect harmony, Luigi’s coiffure rises to meet the creative challenge, thereby elevating the entire image. His precise decisions offer a sense of stimulation. Floating like a Goddess Supreme, Natasha’s cover captures the ethereal nature of her gown as it rises to meet the eyes. Blending beautifully with her makeup and hair, the look is an ethereal masterpiece.
All of these gorgeous ladies are alive with high fashion fire, but Irina Shayk is the belle of this beauty ball. Wearing a long gown that floats to the ground laying about in dramatic round. Hers is the look of lavish opulence that stuns us senseless. Standing to the side with her head turned toward the front, she gives off an aire of defiance mixed with an edge of indifference. Irina is exquisite. With a casual cadence that leaves me spellbound. Staring into the camera we are witness to the artful elements of exquisite transformation. Parson’s skin painting is alive with a neo-eclectic vibe. Crimson sprays out the sides of the eyes, slowly bleeding down the cheeks in an blood-orange hue. As a white v-shape sits in the middle of the forehead, as if to mark the magic. She stands with confidence, like a peacock presenting itself. Black leggings reach her high thigh, as an explosion of grey netting blooms over the top half of her body. Mureno builds a nest of chiffon teetering over the head like a crown of coiffure. Luigi & Iango handled this angle with stunning aplomb, by shifting the camera ever so slightly under and upward. By making this choice, we get the feeling we are growing with the gown. It’s supremely done. The elegance of the angle mixed with the somberness of her tone, gives the shot a sense of depth. Beautiful imagery doesn’t have to be complicated to be compelling, nor does it have to be busy to be beautiful. Here we have examples of complex human emotion in a number of elegant captures.
This editorial adventure is a mix of Annie Lennox from the Eurythmics and French Bombshell, Brigit Bardot. A divine combination. Usually this level of avant-garde application turns almost aggressive, but here it takes on a seductive appeal. Looking unabashedly sexy each girl brings a primitive edge. High-Art rides the line between cultural relativism and creative altruism. It’s the neocentric allies of the pre-industrial era that knew how to honor the artistically inclined. They knew how to celebrate their specialties. Now we live in a world where digital downloads have replaced the tactile track. To Touch… To Feel… To Taste… To Heal… that is the ardor of artistic integrity. A place of pure grace, you can only visit when you are authentic in your approach and application. The process is truly pure.