Posts in the Spotlight Category

Agnes Sokolowska in ‘Fade to Grey’ by Daniel Sannwald for Interview Germany April 2012

Agnes Sokolowska becomes the art in ‘Fade to Grey’ by Daniel Sannwald for Interview Germany April 2012. Part sculpture part digital mastery, Sannwald shows us the future of fashion photography in this stunning feat of visual effects.  

Surreal Self Portraits by Noell S. Oszvald

Choosing to work in only black/white, Noell S. Oszvald’s avoids the chaos of color so that her surreal self portraits can come across with clarity and focus.  With simple titles that include, “Thoughts, Caught & Silence” her intention is to pass the process of interpretation onto the viewer, allowing them to conceptualize the experience in any way they desire.   

Marcelia Freesz in ‘Je Danse Donc Je Suis’ by Nicole Heiniger for S/Nº Spring 2012!

I dance therefore I am. In a stunning piece of editorial artistry Marcelia Freesz moves us in ‘Je Danse Donc Je Suis’ by Nicole Heiniger for S/Nº Spring 2012! A creative collaboration that marries the high art of haute couture with the beauty of modern choreography.