December 26, 2013
Published in: Editorials
Kamila Filipcikova comes alive in ‘Disney Story’ by Christian Anwander for Grazia France. An exquisite mix of magic and adventure, Anwander brings the fairy-tale to life, with a captivating combination of Minnie, Bambi, Alice, Pinocchio & (tantalizing-temptress) Cruella de Ville. Each image alive with a new example of Disney decadence, (Stylist) Stephanie Bris…
September 13, 2013
Published in: Covers
Tatiana Cotliar pops off the page in ‘Electro Libre’ by James Macari for Grazia France, 30th August 2013. Taking a break from the high drama of Fall, Macari reminds us how fun fashion can be with a satirical look at this season’s most vibrant styles set against a series of quirky graphics. Perky and playful but still utterly pulled together, (stylist) Teddy Czopp gives us …