Posts featuring makeup_hair Alice Lane

Lindsey Wixson Shows Many Sides 'Next Best Things' in V

Lindsey Wixson shows us her many sides in ‘Next Best Things’ by Anthony Maule for V #97, Fall ’15. Delving into her delicious flavors, Maule takes us on a roller-coaster of excitement, with images that implore us to explore. By opening our minds, this revives the idea that behind every corner lives the possibility for change. Stylist, Brandon Maxwell, promotes innovatio…

Harleth Kuusik by Karen Collins for Numéro Tokyo, August 2015

Harleth Kuusik carries a secret longing by Karen Collins shot for Numéro Tokyo, August 2015. Clouds of chaos fill the aire as sounds of silence elude me. Walls peel in pieces as poetic paint chips fall all around. Stylist, Felipe Mendes, looks at avant-garde fashion through the lens of lunacy. What I ache to understand I long to ignore, what I long to love I deign to deplore. Echos of odyssey …