Posts featuring makeup_hair James O’Riley

Rankin's Modernity Meets Monarchy

Sedona Legge wears nobility well in “Hot/Holy, Crown Majesty” by RankinThe Fashionable Lampoon Vol #13. Modernity makes it’s way to the Monarchy, as Sedona puts a new twist on this royal topic. Art evens out the playing field, allowing us common folk to explore the crown jewels. Sedona honors her Crown(s) with sublime grandeur, a character for which she exquisitely p…

True Art is Seen in Wonder of Winnie Harlow for Hunger

Winnie Harlow strikes while the iron is hot in “Unlocked” issue by Rankin for Hunger Magazine #11. Breaking forth a fusion of hope and heritic, this story centers on the healing of humanity. The Hunger that exists when waiting to see the “She” that’s coming to be. Here, we get a unique view of someone dealing with success, despite their painful circumstances. …

Stuck on the 70's Marikka Juhler Shows 'Tough Love'

Staying ahead of the fashion curve Marikka Juhler makes an impact in ‘Tough Love’ by Mari Sarai for the October 2013 issue of Harper’s Bazaar Singapore. Stuck on the 70’s Sarai ignites our passion for fashion with a daring mix of retro modern designs derived from the neo-pop movement of post era punk. Embodying the spirit of disco glam, with this season’s pe…