November 30, 2015
Published in: Avant-Garde
Agyness Deyn plays Snow White with a dark side in “Super Natural” by Daisy Walker for Wonderland, Winter 2015. The Horror Issue delivers a fresh take on one of our most beloved fairy tales. Lost in the imagination, (Director) Sarah Keeling fuels the filmic fire as we find ourselves caught in a Wonderland of fantasy. Angelic features portray innocence while each clip e…
February 8, 2015
Published in: Avant-Garde
Agyness Deyn depicts a dance with death in ‘Spooky’ by Tim Walker for Love Magazine, S/S 2015. The bones of brilliance begins with a lure as Skeletons shake by causing a stir. Walker delves deep, as he uses poetic imagery to waltz us into the unknown. Fashion Director, Katie Grand, captures the high-art of haute couture, with styles that showcase the skeletal form. The soul speaks …