Posts featuring model Cayley King

Spring is Seen Through Eyes of Today's Youth "Fashion Now" i-D

Spring is seen through the eyes of youth in “Fashion Now” shot by Daniel Jackson for i-D Magazine, Pre-Spring ’16. Alastair McKimm captures the concept of couture with avant-garde styles unlike we’ve seen. Chiara Mazzoleni fires things up in a flaming, haute one-piece then falls against a leopard print wall. Fashion floods the pages like a concerto of glam punk …

Art Evolves in "lose your way find yourself" for i-D Mag

Stella Lucia, Lexi Boling, Cayley King & Erin Mommsen are a captivating quartet in “lose your way find yourself” by Daniel Jackson for i-D Magazine, Winter 2015. Proving that art has no gender, this story celebrates the beauty of blending. While these women are exquisite specimens of the female order, what we see here is an example of philosophical merging. It’s not a …

Disjointed Exuberance Explodes "Youth" Mert & Marcus, Vogue It

Mert & Marcus capture the colors of existence through art of exuberance in “Youth” for Vogue Italia, October 2015. A calvacation of creation unleashes as we embark on a journey of discovery. Nothing is what it seems and nothing stays where it should, in this shape shifting story that redefines the limits of design. The complexity of our culture takes hold as the couture revel…