Posts featuring model Kamila Filipcikova

Kamila Filipcikova's Fairy-Tale Fashion 'Disney Story'

Kamila Filipcikova comes alive in ‘Disney Story’ by Christian Anwander for Grazia France. An exquisite mix of magic and adventure, Anwander brings the fairy-tale to life, with a captivating combination of Minnie, Bambi, Alice, Pinocchio & (tantalizing-temptress) Cruella de Ville. Each image alive with a new example of Disney decadence, (Stylist) Stephanie Bris

Andrew Yee Hits our 60's Pop Style Spot in 'A La Mod'

Kamila Filipcikova & Karo Mrozkova are pop fashion sensations in ‘A La Mod’ by Andrew Yee for How to Spend It Magazine. All season we’ve been waiting for that one brave artist to come along and really hit our Mod spot. And now we see that every 60’s-inspired layout so far has merely been foreplay. Working on the pleasure principle, Yee aims to excite, with …