March 28, 2018
Published in: Beauty
Madison Headrick captures the ways of a chameleon in “La Nueva Ola Del Color” by Txema Yeste for Vogue Spain, 04/18. The face becomes a palate as the skin becomes a stage. Like colors culminating in a chasm of creativity, so is the Art of the Face. It’s pictorial pandemonium. Beauty blasts against the borders, as cosmetic creations work in symbiotic surround. There’…
November 2, 2013
Published in: Covers
Emma Summerton brings “Beauty” back into focus in this vintage inspired cover-story for the November 2013 Vogue Italia Beauty Supplement Issue. Giving us her take on retro-modern beauty, Summerton captures a series of neo-classical shots done in 40’s filmic style. The diva returns. With over-the-top elegance that speaks to a time when fur was the status symbol of ch…
December 2, 2012
Published in: Editorials
Madison Headrick shows the cool side of Haute-Couture in the December issue of Vogue Russia. From the hyped-up city streets to the downtown studio scene, Greg Harris captures the cutting-edge vibe of hip urban style. An eclectic mix of fashion art, Fall’s funkiest pieces pop against the vibrant backdrop of the gritty city. Chic is as chic does in this wild look at walking inspira…
May 23, 2012
Published in: Beauty
The works of fashion-illustrator René Gruau, are the inspiration for this rebellious attempt at re-imagining the confines of mixed-media, for the June issue of Dazed & Confused. Daniel Jackson blends two-worlds in the futuristic, fashion-fantasy, “A Scanner Darkly.” In this series drawings come to life, having transformed into some mutant chain of fashi…