August 29, 2019
Published in: Avant-Garde
Malgosia Bela embodies a modern day Aphrodite in ‘The Retina Not the Pearl‘ by Thomas Lohr for 032c. So perfect as if cut in stone… Malgosia’s curves have a mind of their own. The statuesque beauty morphs into a version of the past, appearing chiseled in stone as if to last. UK’s top special effects provider, FBFX, created a life-size 3D printed double of Bela, pro…
January 16, 2018
Published in: Avant-Garde
Daphne Groeneveld breaks through the fourth wall in this compelling tale of art and access by Greg Kadel for Let’s Panic Magazine #4, 2018. Art displays in the most fantastical ways as we watch the story unfold. We are able to see the evolution of the female animal appear. With an exquisite mix of avant-garde application and natural expression, this editorial evokes a kind of neo-natura…
September 25, 2017
Published in: Avant-Garde
Malgosia Bela goes “Vertigo” as she hits her stride in a dizzying ride by Chris Colls for Vogue Ukraine, 10/17. Elements of the sea are artfully expressed in a lavish spectacle of style and structure. Set against the midnight sky the darkened night is draped divine. The high seas come alive, as scarlet doesn’t just fill the scene it oozes it all over the screen. This amps up th…
February 27, 2016
Published in: Avant-Garde
Malgosia Bela invites us inside The Wax Issue by Luigi & Iango for Exhibition Magazine, S/S 2016. Witnessing the birth of true beauty we watch as Bela breaks free from mental tyranny, delivering one of the most important stories of this decade. Obliged by a duty to perform, a woman’s body becomes a picture of indentured servitude. Escaping enslavement, this asks the world to witn…
September 2, 2015
Published in: Covers
Malgosia Bela gets deep and gets real by Colin Dodgson for Doingbird Magazine No.18. Like a body billboard, Bela wears shirts that say it all. Ascending to the top, she bares the weight of womanhood shown in statements of pride. Stylist, Sara Moonves, asks the art of ferocity to speak with declarative sentences strewn across the chest. Naked faces worn in honor of our fight to be free. Deep t…
June 3, 2015
Published in: Covers
Malgosia Bela gets lost in her own reflection in ‘White Moments’ by John Scarisbrick for Intermission Magazine, S/S 2015. Fantasy becomes reality as the mirror acts as a point of no return. Submitting on the surface while screaming just below. Virginal thoughts fill the mind as pure white garb faithfully fall across the swells of the skin. Bela confounds us with an ethereal ap…
February 7, 2015
Published in: Avant-Garde
Kendall Jenner, Lexi Boling, Malgosia Bela, Caroline Trentini & Trevor Van Uden embrace anatomy of the ample in ‘Boobs’ by Steven Klein for Love Magazine. To wear the body of another is to bare the soul of real change. Fashion Director, Panos Yiapanis, took the topic of obsession and turned it on its head in this celebration of the extreme. Altered styles steal the show fr…
October 16, 2014
Published in: Avant-Garde
Malgosia Bela manifests the music of the mind in ‘The Story of M’ by Craig McDean for Vogue Italia, October 2014. Cinematic in scale, (Digital Artist) Pascal Dangin provides an arresting amalgamation of fashion and art. A compelling take on the layering of looks, Jane How uses the stunning effects to highlight modern style. Ornate fabrics form an avant-garde bond with look…
September 16, 2014
Published in: Avant-Garde
Malgosia Bela plays the part in a decadent game of avant-garde art by Paola Kudacki For Vamp #2, F/W 2014. Behind the pain of blue plastic lives the agony of truth. Lost in a world of wonder, Bela rides the winds of change, as the sounds of silence bear down. Embracing the essence of existential art, (Stylist) Francesco Sourigues breaks through the brick-haus of haute-couture. Each shot sinks …
July 29, 2014
Published in: Editorials
Luigi Murenu + Iango Henzi embark on a trip through true beauty in ‘Perfect Icons’ for Vogue Japan, September 2014. Capturing the world of modern photography, Luigi & Iango, take their talents in a new direction. Embracing the art of haute couture, (Stylist) Giovanna Battaglia brings forth a kaleidoscope of creation, with a triumphant taste of avant-garde fashion. Bas…
September 10, 2013
Published in: Covers
Malgosia Bela helps launch Greg Kadel’s newest creative endeavor, Let’s Panic Magazine, with this exquisite avant-garde series shot by Aaron Ward for the premier issue. An open invitation to the outrageous, ambitious and artistically extreme, Let’s Panic offers a unique opportunity for diverse minds to connect and create. A cultivation of curated pieces, this cros…