Posts featuring photographer Horst Diekgerdes

Muse Magazine

Karmen Pedaru is an ethereal angel in ‘Inspired’ by Horst Diekgerdes for 10 Years of Muse Magazine, Spring/Summer 2015. Celebrating a decade of doing it right, Pedaru blows our minds with the power of white. Lace garb evokes purity while undergarments invite the primal side. Beth Fenton, stimulates our senses with seraphic styles set to shine. The raptures of fashion flow …

Nadja Bender Turns Style Froth into 'The Real Thing'

Nadja Bender is ‘The Real Thing’ in Horst Diekgerdes edgy editorial for the Summer 2013 issue of Muse Magazine #34. Exploding on the page in a series of retro-eclectic styles so spectacular you can feel the heat radiating through her, Bender delivers the definitive Summer story with sexiness to spare. As a self-described artistic snob, I find myself passing on a number of bouncy…