August 10, 2016
Published in: Editorials
Frances Coombe captures the motion of makeup in “Violettes Vision” by Steven Pan for Art reflects the music of the mind, as this story celebrates our freedom to be exactly whom we are meant to be. Transforming shapes from makeup to muse, Violette takes a contrasting approach to the structure of application. Blue castes a hue over the page throwing us into a hypnot…
April 24, 2014
Published in: Avant-Garde
Katlin Aas takes us to another world in ‘Voodoo Dolly’ by Steven Pan for 10 Magazine #51, Summer 2014. Stepping into the Sin Dolly Voodoo Carnival, Katlin dares to get dramatic and go neo-nomadic. Puncturing the film of falsehood, this piece leads us through a pantheon of epic emotion. Dark and dreamy, (Stylist) Elin Svahn brings the exquisite to life, with looks that includeÂ…