Posts featuring stylist Christiane Arp

Karl Lagerfeld Celebrates the Dark Side 'Traumschön'

Karl Lagerfeld celebrates the somber side of modern art in ‘Traumschön’ for the July 2013 issue of Vogue Germany. Jamie Bochert & Marie Piovesan play the mournful widows in this period inspired piece honoring some of histories most influential works of art. A powerful source of inspiration, the lilting beauty that accompanies the many stages of suffering can provide a …

Karmen Pedaru is a Vivid Extension of Retro Realized

Karmen Pedaru reaches ‘High Glam’ status in Alexi Lubormirski’s artful rendition of modern glamour in the June 2013 issue of Vogue Germany. A vivid extension of vintage representation, decades of decadence come together to form a fusion of fashion unlike we’ve ever seen. Posed to perfection, Pedaru’s beautifully bronzed skin and gorgeous ga…