Posts featuring stylist Karen Langley

Sabrina Ioffreda Is Doubled 'Appetite for Deconstruction'

Sabrina Ioffreda loses her mind in ‘Appetite for Deconstruction’ by Terry Tsiolis for Dazed & Confused, February 2014. The agony of arduous wonder plays a path to the storming brand of stylized thunder. A story that breeds two sides of the same coin, Sabrina proves that Girls Run the World, in this ghoulish brand of garish fun. A luscious blend of black & red, (Fashio…

Terry Tsiolis' Creative Reflections of Times Gone By

Poetic reflections, Terry Tsiolis creates a collage style editorial chronicling the history of modern fashion for the March issue of Dazed & Confused Magazine.  As I travel through the memories of my mind I am reminded of periods of my life that play out like pictures on a film reel. Special times highlighted by the unique qualities that define the era in which they occurred. Playin…