Posts featuring stylist Rebecca Bleynie

Sarah Brannon Dives Deep in a Sea of Double Exposure

Sarah Brannon dives deep in a sea of double exposure in “La Predatrice” by Warren Du Preez & Nick Thornton Jones for Numéro #195. Proving you can tell a story while still focusing on style. Sarah is a picture of predatory pretty as sartorial art is a unique avenue to explore. Verbiage goes vogue ~ as layers of stunning fabric fall over the body like words filling up the page. Th…

Marie-Agnès Break Ballet Tradition Rediscover "Danse"

Marie-Agnès Gillot breaks tradition in “Danse” by Koto Bolofo for Numéro Magazine #193. Redefining the concept of Ballet proper, Gillot’s body moves to it’s own beat. Ever moving ever flowing, the body beautiful bends but never breaks. Art evokes a sense of synergistic style. Fortune’s fluidity is found in the sanguine sounds of life’s rebound, …

Eniko Mihalik Explodes in Body Paint 'Psychédélique'

Eniko Mihalik embraces the artistry of the abstract in ‘Psychédélique’ shot by Stéphane Sendnaoui for Numéro #156, September 2014. Mihalik takes us on a journey of self-discovery, inspiring the curves of creativity to be free. Stylist, Rebecca Bleynie, uses the skin as canvas by actively turning the body into works of modern art. 60’s psychedelia reigns as, (Make…

Anna Selezneva Brings the Fire in 'Rituel' Iain McKell

Facing the Winter of her discontent, Anna Selezneva performs a ‘Rituel’ of letting go in Iain McKell’s daringly, dark editorial for Numéro #142. Following the pain of yesterday to the baron, wasteland of today, she stands alone, on the frigid ground of fragile hope surrounded by the finality of lost love. Garbed in avant-garde mourning wear, (stylist) Rebecca Bleynie…